Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Couldn't Resist

8 Schick Intuitions - $79.92
1 Skintimate Shave Cream - $3.49
2 Mead Index Card - $2.50
2 Tic Tacs - $1.98 (I am a sucker and the kids were sooooo good.  It was  a prize!)
1 M&M - $.89 (Did I mention that I am a really big SUCKER!!!)
1 Mead White Index Cards - $1.99

-$39.96 Store Promotion BOGO (Schick)
-$39.96 MQ (Schick)
-$10 ECBs

Total Before Qs:  $90.77
Total After Qs:  $.85, Earned 3.49 ECB for Skintimate

I couldn't resist getting a few more Schicks, so I went to a different store so that I didn't clear the shelves on my regular store.  I am actually down in ECBs with this transaction, but I never worry too much about that.  I really needed the index cards for an organizational project I am working on, so I went ahead and spent my ECBs instead of my own cash.  I'm sure I will be able to build them up again at some point.  Anywho!  TTFN!


alexandra said...

This is Alex, from A full cup. What are the MQ's you used for Schick, the $4 off 1?

Ali said...

Hi Alex! I was prepared to use two of the $4 off but asked the manager if the BOGO ones would work. The manager read the coupon and said she thought it should work. I had read at A Full Cup a bit of a discussion about whether or not you could use them, that is why I asked. When I went to the second store, I asked management there as well just to be sure and they said it was legit. So, I went ahead. I can't remember which insert the BOGOs were from. I believe the coupon was for disposable razors. HTH!