9 hours ago
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Good Kellogg's Coupons
In the sidebar of my blog there is a window for printing coupons. I just saw a ton of Kellogg's Cereal Coupons that you can print directly off of my page. These are $1 off 1 box of various types of Kellogg's Cereals. Be sure to print them off. If you click at the top where it says "see all coupons" you can select the specific ones you want and save a little ink. Too often the inserts have $1 off of 2 boxes or even 3 boxes. Always grab the $1 off of 1 box. They are golden. Hurry because these go quickly and you may miss out! I believe you should be able to print 2 of each coupon. These should make the upcoming deal on cereal at CVS really great! Happy printing! HTH!!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Money Makers!!!
I hit CVS again today and did two more transactions:
Transaction 1:
3 3M Command Metal Hooks - $7.50
5 Visine - $20
-3 $2.50 MQ (3M)
-4 $2.00 MQ (Visine)
-$3.00 MQ (Visine)
-$9 ECB
Total Before Sale and Qs: $56.92
Total After Sale and Qs: $0, Earned $10 ECB (Visine)
Transaction 2:
3 3M Command Metal Hooks - $7.50
2 Gold Emblem chocolate covered peanuts - $1.98
-3 $2.50 MQ (3M)
-$2 off 2 Gold Emblem CRT
Total Before Sale and Qs: $22.95
Total After Sale and Qs: $0, Earned $5 ECB (3M)
So, I started off with $19 ECBs, maintained the full amount on my gift card, spent $0 OOP and earned $6 to take all of that stuff home. The 3M hooks are a $5 MM if you use the $2.50 off printable here. Buy 6 and reach the required $15 purchase, use $15 in coupons and earn $5 ECB. I am quite excited about these because they are perfect for organizational projects! I am a total sucker for a good organizational project. For the Visine deal, I spent $9 ECBs and earned back $10 ECBs so it was a $1 MM for me as well. Both of these deals would be even better with a good CRT, but alas my luck ran out. No CRTs today. Boo-hoo! Despite the famine, at $25 ECBs, I am almost to my goal of $30 ECBs by the end of the week. TTFN! Happy Shopping!
Monday, April 27, 2009
What In The World???
On the way to pick up my son from school, I swung by a CVS or two. I did a few transactions, but tried to return a few products and I have no idea how to show you what I got step by step, but I will break it down overall.
Total Before Sales and Qs: $132.43
Total After Sales and Qs: $.08
ECBS At Beginning: $9.89
ECBS At End: $19.00
This is definitely a bit abnormal. I found the $9.99 ROC exfoliating cleansers and decided to do the ROC deal with them. I had been hoping for the $7.99 ROC Age Defying cleansers for the deal but they were cleared out all over the place. So, after buying 3 of them, I found the cheaper ones. After explaining the situation, the manager allowed me to return the more expensive items and purchase the cheaper ones, but it screwed up my ECBs. So, I ended up getting the refunds on a gift card and used that on the last few transactions. I am not sure if that is how the managers are supposed to handle that situation or not, but they didn't seem to think it was a problem. Hence, the oh so low OOP. Happy Shopping!
I have been looking everywhere for a store that carried the Marcal line of paper products. We ran out of my stockpile of paper towels and I was hoping to be able to use my free item coupons. Unfortunately, the coupons I had only covered the item up to $1. I found some Marcal items at Stop and Shop, Staples, and Family Dollar, but at each store the products were too expensive to be worth the purchase with my measly coupon or they were out of stock. On a whim, I went into a store that I rarely shop at (Market Basket) and found paper towels for $.99 so with my $1.00 coupon I got a bunch of paper towels for free. Here's what I did:
12 Marcal Single Roll paper towels - $11.88
2 Marcal facial tissues - $2.18
-14 $1.00 MQ (Marcal)
Total Before Qs (with tax): $14.66
Total After Qs: $.66
I was pretty stoked about my deal. At about a nickel an item, I'd say that is a rock-bottom price worthy of stockpiling.
I also did one transaction at CVS, but was a bit bummed that someone had cleared the shelf of the cheaper ROC items. I was hoping that deal would be a MM for me. Instead I bought some boring cleaning products that I was in need of. Here's what I did here:
2 Fantastick Spray - $5.00
3 Windex Canister Wipes - $7.50 (I don't believe this product should have counted for this deal, but it had a sign on it so the manager allowed me to use it anyway.)
1 Pledge - $3.50
2 Crest Tartar Control- $3.98
-3 $1.00 MQ (Windex)
-2 $1.00 MQ (Fantastic)
-$1.00 MQ (Pledge)
-2 $1.00 MQ (Crest)
-$4.00 off $20.00
-$7.98 ECB
Total Before Qs: $19.98 (with tax it was over $20)
Total After Qs: $0 :) Yay! Earned $5 ECB (cleaning supplies), $2 ECB (Crest)
So, I got some cleaning supplies that I really needed, but was a bit bummed to not increase my ECBs at all. I am still hoping to do the ROC deal and get a Schick razor, Garnier, more Tresemme, Nivea, All Laundry Detergent, and I'm hoping to find the $1.00 Bandaids. We shall see how that goes. Walgreens actually looks good this week, but I'm probably going to take a pass and stick with CVS because the deals look better for what I am looking for. Wish me luck! TTFN!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Planning is Half the Battle
There is a movie entitled A Bridge Too Far that depicts the failed WWII military engagement that was intended to turn the tide of the war. It failed because of poor planning--plain and simple. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong and there were no contingencies that allowed for the failures. I have found that my coupon trips are much the same. Planning truly is half the battle. When I am organized and have properly planned, my trips are fantastic! Even if there are a few computer/cashier errors, I am calm and cool and sometimes even catch them before I pore over my receipt in my car. How do I plan? Simple.
1. Gathering Intelligence - In Google Reader, I follow several blogs and websites that detail the hottest deals coming up in the stores in which I shop. All week long, as I check my email, I email myself those blog posts that pertain to the upcoming week. Then, when I am ready to plan, I pull up all of those emails and compile a list of potential deals that I may want to do.
2. Mapping Out The Battle - I use a planning spreadsheet in Excel that figures out my OOP expense after sale and coupons and the eventual cost of each item once rebates have been given. My CVS spreadsheet even helps me to plan for each transaction. My stockpile is extensive enough at this point that I only do the deals that are too good to pass up, produce completely free items, make me money, or are for items that I may be getting low on. So, my spreadsheets help me to do the math quickly without too much brain work to determine whether or not a particular deal is worth it.
3. Staging the Battle- Then, once I have printed out my spreadsheets, I gather the coupons for that store and that week. These coupons are placed in a special pocket within my binder (I have one pocket per store).
4. Executing the Plan - As I walk through the store, I have my spreadsheet in front of me and as I grab the item and place it in my cart I pull out the accompanying coupon and set it aside. If I have more than one transaction that I plan on doing then I place the coupons in separate piles.
So there you have it. Planning is everything. This upcoming week is a pretty big week at both CVS and Walgreens. I will spend most of my time at CVS because I ended up using some of my ECBs a bit frivolously this week so I need to build them up again. I have about $12 in ECBs and I am hoping by the end of the week to be back up to around $30. We shall see. Wish me luck! TTFN!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Limit Not Reached!
Always remember to check your CVS receipt. If you have done an ECB deal, the receipt will indicate how many times you have done it. If you have completed the amount of times that you are eligible to do a particular deal it will say *Offer Limit Reached* at the bottom of your receipt. There is a deal on Tresemme products this week that has worked out pretty well for me, and my limit was not reached as of this morning, so I made a quick stop on my way to the park. Here's what I did:
6 Tresemme Shampoos/Conditioners - reg. $5.49/bottle - on sale 3 for $10 - $20
-$4 off $20 CRT (That scanner loves me!)
-6 $1 MQ (Tresemme)
-$10 ECB
Total Before Sale and Qs - $32.94
Total After Sale and Qs - $0, Earned a $10 ECB! Yay! Another $0 transaction!!!
So, I have more hair product in my stockpile. Lesson for the day--Always check your receipt! ;) TTFN!
My Final ConAgra Purchases
Transaction 1
2 Hebrew National Franks - $11.98 shelf- $5.99 sale
6 Hunt's Ketchup - $15 shelf - $6 sale
1 Wesson Canola Oil - $7.99 shelf - $2.50 sale
$1.00 MQ (Ketchup)
-$10 CAT
Total Before Sales and Qs: $34.97
Total OOP: $1.49, Earned $10 CAT
Transaction 2
6 Marie Calendar Meals - $25.74 shelf - $15 sale
-3 $1 MQ (Marie Calendar)
-$12 CAT
Total Before Sales and Qs: $25.74
Total OOP: $0, Yay! Ding, ding, ding!!!! Another $0 transaction!!! Earned $10 CAT
Transaction 3
6 Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers - $26.94 shelf - $18 sale
-3 $1.00 MQ (Healthy Choice)
-$10 CAT
Total Before Sales and Qs: $26.94
Total OOP: $5.00, Earned a $10 CAT
Transaction 4
Bananas - $2.78
Apples - $4.04
2 Kraft Bagelfuls - $4.00
2 Shaw's Milk - $5.18
20 Yoplait Yogurt - $10
3 Kotex Pantyliners - $3.00
-$2.00 Store Q (Yoplait)
-2 $1.00 MQ (Yoplait)
-2 $1.00 MQ (Bagelfuls)
-3 $1.00 MQ (Kotex)
-$10 CAT
Total Before Sales and Qs: $35.38
Total OOP: $10.00
All in all, I'd say this was a pretty good stocking up sale. I used my final CAT to cover a few essentials including some fruit and milk. At a coupon class I recently taught, I had a girl share that she would never buy the food that qualifies for these kinds of CAT deals. She preferred organic foods. There was also another girl that had some kids with severe allergies, so she too was unable to take advantage of these kinds of food CAT deals. If you are like them and you, for whatever reason, cannot take advantage of these CAT deals to stock up, consider taking advantage of the non-grocery CAT deals and then use those CATS to pay for the specific dietary needs of your family. Generally, I would suggest that you can get a better deal on non-grocery items at CVS, Walgreens, or Rite Aid, but if it helps you to also lower your grocery bill then it could work better for you to shop those sales at your grocery store. Anyway. Just something I have been thinking about that I thought I would share. HTH! TTFN!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
So, I am a bit crazy when it comes to receipts. I have saved every receipt since starting this crazy coupon obsession. I don't know why. Lol. Maybe it is because each receipt is like a little gold star for me. See? Lookie here! I do save money doing this stuff!!! Anyway. Somebody at A Full Cup shared a spreadsheet for tracking spending/savings with coupons. It actually was pretty handy and I went through and input each and every receipt so that I could share a more accurate representation of my savings so far this year. So, if you have been following my spending and are looking at the new numbers, scratching your head and grunting, "Huh?" now you know why they are a bit larger than the last time you visited.
If you are a member of AFC and want to snag that spreadsheet click HERE. Hat tip to "adavant" on AFC for her cool spreadsheet. HTH! TTFN!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Pinching Pennies on Patriots Day!
I scanned my card this evening at CVS and got a $5 off $15 Tressemme hair products CRT and a $10 off $50 CRT. Yay! I love the coupon fairies that blessed me with fun CRTs!!! Here is what I did with them:
6 Tressemme hair products - $20
-6 $1 MQ
-$5 CRT
-$4 ECB
-$4 ECB
Total Before Qs: $20
Total After Qs: $1.05, Earned $10 ECBs
CVS Transaction 2
3 Dove Skin Vitalizers - $12
2 Crest Prohealth Toothpaste - $5.76
3 John Frieda Hair products - $15
Edge Shaving Gel - $2.89
Bayer Crystal 4ct. - $2.00
6 L'Oreal Eye Shadow - $29.94
-2 $1.00 MQ (Crest)
-$1.00 MQ (Bayer)
-3 $3.50 MQ (Dove)
-3 $2.00 MQ (John Frieda)
-6 $2.00 MQ (L'Oreal)
-$14.97 Store BOGO Sale on L'Oreal
-$2.00 ECB
-$3.49 ECB
-$4.00 ECB
-$10 CRT
Total Before Qs: $67.59
Total After Qs: $1.71 OOP, Earned 2 ECB (Bayer), $2.89 ECB (Edge), $5 ECB (John Frieda), $4 ECB (Crest)
Walgreens Transaction 1
3 Reach Floss - $5.97
1 Chapstick Medley - $1.99
1 Edge Shaving Gel - $2.99
1 Mitchum Deodorant - $2.99
-$3.00 Weekly IVC Store Q (Reach)
-$.75 MQ (Mitchum)
-3 $1.00 MQ (Reach)
-$6 RR
Total Before Qs: $13.94
Total After Qs: $1.25, paid for with monthly rebate gift card, so $0 OOP. Yay!
Walgreens Transaction 2
Physicians Formula Organic Wear Mineral Powder- $8.39
Physicians Formula Lip Gloss - $4.79
3 Reach Floss - $5.97
3 Chocolate Eggs - $.36
-3 $1.00 MQ (Reach)
-2 $1.00 MQ (Physicians Formula)
-$3.00 Weekly IVC Store Q (Reach)
-$2.00 RR
-$2.00 RR
-$3.00 RR
Total Before Qs: $19.51
Total After Qs: $4.72, paid for with monthly rebate gift card so $0 OOP! Yippee!
That finishes off all of the rebates that I plan to get for the month from Walgreens. I spent all of the money on the card and will get it all back plus 10% so it is yet again another MM for me! I didn't do as well as I would've on the Physicians Formula powder because I was hoping for a little overage from the Reach, but the shelves were cleared of the toothbrushes so I couldn't use my $3/2 MQ. Oh well. Free floss is still good. It feels pretty good to look back on my last several weeks and see $0 OOP each and every time from Walgreens because of that blessed gift card. I love it!!! TTFN!
P.S. I am tired and going to bed, but I will post the pictures I took tomorrow. Sorry to leave you hanging!
To Clip Or Not To Clip, That Is The Question!
A good couponer needs to be well organized in order to take advantage of the deals. There seems to be a few schools of thought on when to clip and when to file.
1. Clip and File - For this method, you would clip each and every coupon (regardless of whether or not you think you will use it) and organize it by coupon in a container that is easily transportable and can be taken on each of your shopping trips. There are some pros and cons to this method. Clipping and organizing each coupon allows you to take advantage of clearanced items and unadvertised sales. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have seen an item on clearance and known that I had a coupon in my filing system that would make that item free after coupon. It happens almost each and every time that I shop. This method, however, can be a bit time consuming. Not only do you clip and organize the coupons to begin with, but you also have to periodically go through and throw out coupons that have expired. For some like me, the savings are worth a little bit of extra time.
3. File It Baby! - For this method you would file the whole inserts and not clip a thing initially. You would only clip coupons for items you want to buy as you plan out your shopping trip. Again, the idea is that this method saves you time. While you may not have to clip and organize each and every coupon, you would still need to have some way to organize your internet coupons, peelies, blinkies, hangtags, rebates, Catalinas, and store coupons. You could also miss out on unadvertised deals. In addition, you would need to stay organized with your filing system and matchups as previously explained.
Whichever clipping and filing method you choose, just make sure to have a system of organization that keeps coupons, rebate forms, Catalinas, shopping lists, and weekly/monthly advertisements easily accessible. I don't think it really matters if you organize those coupons in an expandable file folder, a binder, or a shoe box. Use something that works for you, is easy to transport and won't be ruined if it falls. Some couponers organize their coupons alphabetically - Huggies diapers are filed under "H" and Pampers filed under "P." Some do it by type of product. For instance, all Baby products would be together regardless of whether or not they are Pampers or Huggies. Still others organize the coupons by grocery store aisle. So, if aisle 10 has all cleaning products and paper products then your 10th section in your coupon file would have those types of coupons. Find something that works for you. I personally utilize the "clip and file" method. All of the coupons that I get are organized into a 2" Five Star binder filled with baseball card protectors. As you can see at the top of the post, my binder has a handy pocket on the front where I keep my RRs and ECBs, a calculator, pen, and scissors. These tools are handy to have with me at all times. On the inside left flap, there are some expandable files where I file my weekly and monthly advertisements and a zippered pocket where I keep my rebate forms and receipts. In addition, I have three dividers with attached envelopes where I place the coupons I will be using on upcoming shopping trips. Each envelope is for a different store. My coupons are organized generally by the following headings: Health and Beauty Household Food OTC (over the counter) Medications Within these sections, I organize them further into smaller headings like Feminine Care Products, Cosmetics, and Body Lotions. As an exception, however, I have found that organizing the OTC Medication section alphabetically works a bit better for me. So my headings in that section are "A-D", "E-H", "I-L" etc. You may also find it helpful to keep printed copies of coupon policies for the stores you like to shop. As you can see, organization is the key to effective coupon shopping. It is important to remember that what works for one may not work for another. I am certainly not the authority on all coupon things, so try different approaches and find one that works with your schedule and personality. Happy Organizing and Shopping!!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Today At Shaw's
It was a busy day filled with 6 transactions! I still have a bit more I would like to do, but I'll see how things go next week. For a break down of each transaction visit the Shaw's forum at A Full Cup. I got the following:
3 Hunt's Tomato Sauce
5 Wesson Oil
2 Reddi Wip
10 Healthy Choice Steamers
3 Egg Beaters
2 Hebrew National Franks
3 Pam
11 Chef Boyardee
3 Orville Redenbacher
9 Snack Packs 4 pk.
3 Peter Pan Peanut Butter
3 Banquet Chicken Nugget Dinners (used 3 $1 MQ from the May All You so these were free!!!)
4 Taco Bell Refried Beans (rang up $3.16 and earned $3 CAT so only $.04 per can!)
5 Muir Glen (2 Sauce and 3 Diced tomatoes--these earned a $3 CAT)
Total Before Qs: $126.69
Total After Qs and Catalinas: $28.31, 77% savings!!!
They were out of the $7.99 Wesson Oil and the Ketchup so I am hoping to get some of that on my trip next week. We shall see. Happy Shopping!!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
%57 Savings at Shaw's
Today I was taking advantage of a couple of Catalina deals. The first was on the Poland Water. If you buy 2 6-pk Flip Tops for $4 dollars you earn a $2 Catalina. Use 2 $1.00 off coupons and after you roll your Catalina you get both for free. I did that one several times over as you can see. I also used the Taco Bell product Catalina a couple of times. Shaw's emailed me a $10 off purchase of $50 so I used that and some competitor coupons from Roche Bros. Here is what I got:
2 Koolaid - $3.98
Applesauce Snacks - $2.50
12 6-pks Poland Spring Water - $24
Mandarin Oranges Snacks - $2.50
2 Quaker Chewy Granola Bars - $4.00
6 Duncan Heinz Cake Mixes - $6.00 (Cake Balls here I come!!!)
3 Loaves Shaw's Wheat Bread - $4.38
2 Reduced Fat Oreos - $6.00
2 Gallons Skim Milk - $5.18
2 Sargento Cheese - $4.00
Shaw's Ham Sliced Deli Meats - $5.29
Shaw's Turkey Sliced Deli Meats - $4.29
Cascade Crystal Clear - $4.49
2 Flipz Pretzals - $4.78
1 Head of Lettuce - $.99
Honey Tangerines - $1.87
Green Peppers - $1.47
Taco Shells - $4.38
Cucumbers - $1.50
3 Cans Refried Beans - $2.97
Total Before Qs: $94.36
Total After Qs: $40.25, Earn $2.00 CAT for next visit
Starting on Friday, there are a few other Catalina deals that I'll be doing. There is one that includes some Organic products (Muir Glen and Cascadian Farms) and another for Con-Agra. Both are shaping up nicely so I am excited for a bit of stocking up. Who knows, maybe I will be able to throw in a few more Taco Bell items for taco night next week. Happy Shopping!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
All Quiet on the Drugstore Front
It was kind of a quiet week this week for my shopping trips. I ended up breaking my general rule of only one drugstore per week and went to both CVS and Walgreens. Both of my stores are right across the street from each other and with how small both of my trips were going to be I figured it didn't hurt to hit them both. I found a few clearance deals and got one of my rebate items at Walgreens.
Walgreens Transaction 1:
Olay Definity Cleanser - $2.39 (regularly $10, I believe)
Olay Definity Cleanser - $2.39
Scunci Hair Elastics - $2.00
Degree Deodorant - $1.29
Degree Deodorant - $1.29
Hershey Kisses Almonds - $1.25
-$3.00 MQ Olay
-$3.00 MQ Olay
-$1.00 MQ Degree
-$1.00 MQ Degree
-2.50 RR
Total Before Qs: $10.61
Total After Qs: $.11, paid for with rebate gift card so $0 OOP!
Walgreens Transaction 2:
Schick Intuition Refills - $2.89 (regularly $9.99 I believe)
Schick Intuition Refills - $2.89
Schick Intuition Refills - $2.89
3 Hershey Kisses Almonds - $3.75
-$4 MQ Schick adjusted down to $2.89
-$4 MQ Schick adjusted down to $2.89
-$4 MQ Schick adjusted down to $2.89
-$1.50 MQ Hershey's
-$2 RR
Total Before Qs: $12.42
Total After Qs with Tax: $.58, paid for with rebate gift card, so $0 OOP! Earned $5 Hershey's rebate.
CVS Transaction:
2 Colgate Sensitive Enamel Toothpaste - $7.98
1 Softsoap Body Wash - $4.99
2 Adidas Deodorant - $7.48 (clearanced down from $4.99 each)
4 SoBe 20 oz. - $6.76
-$1.00 MQ Colgate
-$1.00 MQ Colgate
-$1.50 MQ Softsoap
-$1.00 MQ Adidas
-$1.00 MQ Adidas
-$3.28 MQ BOGO (SoBe)
-$3.38 BOGO Store Sale (SoBe)
-$4.00 off $20.00
-$10 ECB
Total Before Qs: $27.21
Total After Qs with Tax: $1.10, Earned $4.99 ECB (Softsoap), $7.98 ECB (Colgate), $4.00 ECB (Adidas)
I took advantage of some great clearanced items that when combined with a MQ were free or nearly free. The Adidas and Degree deodorants were nearly free with MQs and the razors and facial cleanser were free with MQ. All in all a good day. Happy Shopping!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Walgreens--The Beast that Ali Slew!
This month has been very exciting to me because I feel like I am totally in my groove with Walgreens. If you notice, for the last two weeks, my out of pocket expenses have been $0 with each and every transaction. How does she do it? I will tell you!!! I love to share! In the past, I have enjoyed CVS more because their system is easy to use and the savings are instantaneous. The only things I didn't like about CVS were their limits on how many times you could do a deal and the small OOP that you regularly had to pay with each transaction. With Walgreens, I have been able to do a few little things to make sure I have $0 OOP:
1. Purchase several monthly rebate items. With each month (if you get a gift card with your rebate reward on it), you will get an automatic 10% added to the amount of Rebate items you purchased. So if you purchased $30 of rebates the first month you will actually get $33 on the gift card. Then, if you spend that $33 dollars on rebate items for the next month, you will get $36.30 the next month. This amount can grow for you. At some point, I think you may find it difficult to roll the entire amount into other rebate items, but you should still be able to grow that amount a little bit each month.
2. When purchasing new rebate items, use manufacturer coupons, IVCs, and Register Rewards to lower the amount that you actually spend on those rebate items. Notice in my last post that my OOP (paid for with my gift card) was $.24 and yet I earned a $2 rebate for the Glade and a $2 rebate for the Oust.
3. Use your gift card rebate money to pay for your OOP expenses. If you are rolling those register rewards and utilizing your coupons you should be able to keep your OOP fairly low. That gift card rebate money will go far. If you are careful, it should not only pay for your next month rebates, but also cover those
small expenses with each transaction. Making your OOP $0 every time. That initial investment, purchasing monthly rebate items, will go very far!4. Plan out your transactions. This was the hardest part for me at first, but the more I do it the better I get. It takes less time each week to get prepared for my shopping trips. A little bit of planning can go a long way in your savings. Use a calculator and figure out some transactions that will allow you to get your rebate items and roll the RR with a low OOP each time.
That's it! I have to admit, in the beginning of this coupon adventure, I really was intimidated by Walgreens and couldn't see why anyone would shop there. Now, I see the benefits of the system and like it even better than CVS. HTH! Good luck!!!
**Note: Since this post Walgreens has eliminated their Rebate program, but still offers their Register Reward Program. Unfortunately, this makes it a little harder to get $0 transactions, however, good deals are still available with a little planning.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Finishing the Shopping for the Week
Whew! Are you still with me? I hope so! It has been a busy couple of days. I finally have enough prizes for my coupon class, now to finish that powerpoint presentation. Hmmm...I need a healthy dose of motivation. Anyone?
I hit CVS because the limit on the shaving gel was 2 not 1 so I had to pick up another. I used my ECB from the first so it was a $0 transaction and it printed another ECB for me to use next week. YAY!!! As for Walgreens, I wanted to pick up a few more of the rebate items so that I can fill up my gift card for next month. I also wanted to use my $3.99 Free Softsoap Q from the sale last week. They were priced at $4.79 so I figured I would have to pay $.80. Can I just say that I love my Walgreens? Without me even asking about it, my sweet manager took the full amount off. So it WAS free! Anyway. Here are the nuts and bolts of how it all worked out. I plan to take a nice day off from it all tomorrow.
CVS Transaction:
Skintimate Shave Cream - $3.49
-$3.49 ECB
Total Before Qs: $3.49
Total After Qs: $0, Earned $3.49 ECB
Walgreens Transaction:
Oust Surface & Air - $2.99
Oust Surface & Air - $2.99
Easter Tumbler - $.39
Reach Floss - $2.50
Reach Toothbrush - $2.50
Softsoap Body Wash - $4.79
Glade Lasting Impression - $5.99
Vitamin Water - $1.49
Hershey Milk Chocolate Bar - $.89
-$4.79 CAT (Glade)
-$2.00 MQ (Oust)
-$4.00 MQ-I don't know what this coupon is for. I gave her 2 Oust Qs and only one shows up. Who knows.
-$3.00 MQ (Reach)
-$4.00 MQ (Glade)
-$3.00 RR
-$3.50 RR
Total Before Qs: $24.53
Total After Qs: $.24, Paid for with rebate gift card so $o OOP. Earned $2.50 RR, $2 Rebate for Oust, $2 Rebate for Glade L/I.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Roll 'Em, Roll 'Em, Roll 'Em! Keep them doggies rollin'!
I rolled and rolled and rolled those Register Rewards! My goal this month with Walgreens has been to use my gift card to cover my small OOP with each transaction and also cover my rebates for the month. So far so good. Here's what I did:
Transaction 1:
Colgate Total Toothpaste - $3.49
Easter Tumbler - $.39
2 Visine AC - $7.98
-$.26 Weekly IVC (Tumbler)
-$3.00 MQ (Visine)
-$3.00 MQ (Visine)
-$1.00 MQ (Colgate)
-$3.00 RR (Edge, from last week)
Total Before Qs: $11.86
Total After Qs (with tax): $1.73, paid with Rebate Gift Card so $0 OOP! Earned $3.50 RR and $3.00 RR
Transaction 2:
Glade Lasting Impression - $5.99
Reach Floss - $2.50
Reach Toothbrush - $2.50
Skintimate Shaving Gel - $2.99
-$4.00 MQ (Glade)
-$3.00 MQ (Reach)
-$3.00 RR
-$3.50 RR
Total Before Qs: $13.98
Total After Qs (with tax): $.50, paid for with rebate gift card so $0 OOP! Earned $2 Rebate, $2.50 RR, $3.00RR!
Transaction 3:
Oust Surface to Air - $2.99
Colgate Total Toothpaste - $3.49
2 Visine AC - $7.98
Easter Tumbler - $.39
-$3.00 MQ (Visine)
-$3.00 MQ (Visine)
-$2.00 MQ (Oust)
-$1.00 MQ (Colgate)
-$.26 Weekly IVC
-$2.50 RR
-$3.00 RR
Total Before Qs: $14.85
Total After Qs (with tax): $.39, paid for with rebate gift card so $0 OOP! Earned $3.00 RR, $1.00 Rebate, and $3.50 RR!
Transaction 4:
Edge Shaving Gel - $2.99
Reach Floss - $2.50
Reach Toothbrush - $2.50
One a Day Drink Mix - $1.49
Easter Tumbler - $.39
-$3.00 MQ (Reach)
-$.26 Weekly IVC (Tumbler)
-$3.00 RR
-$3.50 RR
Total Before Qs: $9.87
Total After Qs (with tax): $.12, paid for with rebate gift card so $0 OOP! Earned $3.00 RR, $2.50 RR, and $1.49 Rebate!
Transaction 5:
2 Easter Tumbler - $.78
Colgate Total Toothpaste - $3.49
2 Visine - $7.98
Oust Surface to Air - $2.99
-$.52 Weekly IVC (Tumbler)
-$3.00 MQ (Visine)
-$3.00 MQ (Visine)
-$1.00 MQ (Colgate)
-$2.00 MQ (Oust)
-$2.50 RR
-$3.00 RR
Total Before Qs: $15.24
Total After Qs (with tax): $.38, paid for with rebate gift card so $0 OOP! Earned $3.00 RR, $3.50 RR, $1.00 Rebate.
I have a few more transactions that I want to do to beef up my rebates for the month. So, I will squeeze a trip in tomorrow on my way to my DD's field trip. It has been a pretty busy week and normally I try to limit myself to one drugstore per week, but both Walgreens and CVS had such great deals that I just couldn't resist. My DH is finishing school in a couple of weeks and we still don't have a job, so I am hoping my stockpile will be sufficient to carry us until he gets a job and the money starts coming in again. Anyway. HTH! TTFN!
Couldn't Resist
8 Schick Intuitions - $79.92
1 Skintimate Shave Cream - $3.49
2 Mead Index Card - $2.50
2 Tic Tacs - $1.98 (I am a sucker and the kids were sooooo good. It was a prize!)
1 M&M - $.89 (Did I mention that I am a really big SUCKER!!!)
1 Mead White Index Cards - $1.99
-$39.96 Store Promotion BOGO (Schick)
-$39.96 MQ (Schick)
-$10 ECBs
Total Before Qs: $90.77
Total After Qs: $.85, Earned 3.49 ECB for Skintimate
I couldn't resist getting a few more Schicks, so I went to a different store so that I didn't clear the shelves on my regular store. I am actually down in ECBs with this transaction, but I never worry too much about that. I really needed the index cards for an organizational project I am working on, so I went ahead and spent my ECBs instead of my own cash. I'm sure I will be able to build them up again at some point. Anywho! TTFN!
Transaction 1:
2 Easter Grass - $1.58
2 Easter Baskets - $3.98
2 Revlon Eye Shadow - $9.98
1 Colgate Max White - $2.99
-$1.00 MQ (Colgate)
-$4.00 MQ (Revlon)
-$2.00 Store Q CRT (Revlon)
-$4.99 BOGO Revlon Promotion
-$5.00 ECB
Total Before Qs: $18.53
Subtotal After Qs: $1.54
Tax: $.08
Total OOP: $1.62, Earned $2.00 ECB (Colgate), $1.58 ECB (Grass), $3.98 ECB (Baskets), $20 off $100 CRT!!!!! Yay for me!!!!
Transaction 2:
7 Vitamin Water - $7.00
Hair Clipper - $1.99
Water Fountain - $2.49
2 Huggies Goodnights - $20.00
2 Johnson's Vanilla Oat Lotion - $6.00
1 Covergirl Foundation - $13
1 Tic Tac - $.74
6 Schick Intuition - $59.94
2 Softsoap Hand Soap - $7.98
1 Covergirl Lash Blast Mascara - $8.49, I was mischarged on this item, it should've been $7.
7 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - $6.23
-$29.97 BOGO Store Sale
-$29.97 BOGO MQ - didn't know if they would accept this, but I asked the manager and she said it could be used. ;)
-$4.00 MQ (Softsoap)
-$4.00 MQ (Huggies)
-$1.00 MQ (Lotion)
-$7.00 MQ (Vitamin Water)
-$4.00 MQ (Covergirl Foundation)
-$1.00 MQ (Covergirl Mascara)
-$7.00 MQ (Reese's PB Cups)
-$.23 Store Q - I think the manager messed up and tried to fix it but messed up again. It happens!
-$20 off $100 Store Q
-$10.00 ECB
-$4.00 ECB
-$4.00 ECB
-$3.98 ECB
-$2.00 ECB
-$1.58 ECB
Total Before Qs: $133.86
Total After Qs: $.13, Earned $10ECB (Covergirl), $10ECB (Huggies), $4.00 ECB (Softsoap).
After reviewing this receipt, I noticed that the cashier and manager made quite a few mistakes. I was overcharged on a few items and undercharged (I think) on a few others. It happens, however when you save over $133 dollars on one transaction, you shut your mouth about a few mistakes. They all even out in the end anyway. I started off with $25.56 in ECBs and ended with $24ECBs to use on my next visit. I think I may hit CVS again this week to pick up a few more Intuitions because I am teaching a coupon class in New Hampshire this weekend and figure I can give away some of them as prizes or something. We shall see. Have a great shopping week this week! There are tons of deals to be had!
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